"Lady A"

"Lady A"

Nashville. 2020 m. birželio 11 d., vykstant George Floyd (†46) nužudymo protestams, grupė „Lady Antebellum“ paskelbė, kad ji bus pervadinta į „Lady A“, siekiant sumažinti rasistines konotacijas su Pilietinio karo istorija, įskaitant vergiją.

Originalus grupės pavadinimas remiasi „Antebellum South“ periodu. Pietinis Antebellum buvo pietinių JAV istorijoje laikotarpis nuo XVIII amžiaus pabaigos iki Amerikos pilietinio karo pradžios 1861 m. Šis Pietų istorijos laikotarpis pasižymėjo ekonomikos augimu regione, daugiausia dėl didelės priklausomybės nuo vergovės.

Grupė „Instagram“ pareiškė, kad jie „apgailestauja ir gėdijasi“ sakydami, kad „mes neatsižvelgėme į asociacijas, sveriančias šį žodį, nurodantį istoriją prieš pilietinį karą, apimantį vergiją“. Jie pridūrė, kad jie „daro būtinus pakeitimus, kad galėtų praktikuoti antirasizmą“ ir aukoja pinigus organizacijai „Equal Justice Initiative“.

„Po didelių asmeninių apmąstymų, grupės diskusijų, maldų ir daugybės nuoširdžių pokalbių su kai kuriais artimiausiais juodaodžių draugais ir kolegomis, nusprendėme savo pavadinime atsisakyti žodžio ‘Antebellum’ ir judėti pirmyn kaip ‘Lady A’, slapyvardžiu, kurį mūsų gerbėjai mums nuo pat pradžių beveik suteikė“, – rašo muzikantai.

Tarp kitko, leidybinė kompanija „One Little Indian“, kuri turi sutartį su Björk (54), taip pat pakeitė pavadinimą. Nuo šiol firma vadinsis „One Little Independent“.

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Dear Fans,⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ As a band, we have strived for our music to be a refuge…inclusive of all. We’ve watched and listened more than ever these last few weeks, and our hearts have been stirred with conviction, our eyes opened wide to the injustices, inequality and biases Black women and men have always faced and continue to face everyday. Now, blindspots we didn’t even know existed have been revealed.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ After much personal reflection, band discussion, prayer and many honest conversations with some of our closest Black friends and colleagues, we have decided to drop the word “antebellum” from our name and move forward as Lady A, the nickname our fans gave us almost from the start.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ When we set out together almost 14 years ago, we named our band after the southern “antebellum” style home where we took our first photos. As musicians, it reminded us of all the music born in the south that influenced us…Southern Rock, Blues, R&B, Gospel and of course Country. But we are regretful and embarrassed to say that we did not take into account the associations that weigh down this word referring to the period of history before The Civil War, which includes slavery. We are deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused and for anyone who has felt unsafe, unseen or unvalued. Causing pain was never our hearts’ intention, but it doesn’t change the fact that indeed, it did just that. So today, we speak up and make a change. We hope you will dig in and join us.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ We feel like we have been Awakened, but this is just one step. There are countless more that need to be taken. We want to do better. We are committed to examining our individual and collective impact and making the necessary changes to practice antiracism. We will continue to educate ourselves, have hard conversations and search the parts of our hearts that need pruning—to grow into better humans, better neighbors. Our next outward step will be a donation to the Equal Justice Initiative through LadyAID. Our prayer is that if we lead by example…with humility, love, empathy and action…we can be better allies to those suffering from spoken and unspoken injustices, while influencing our children & generations to come.

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