Natasha Bedingfield & Solomon

Natasha Bedingfield & Solomon

London. Natasha Bedingfield (38) užgriuvo vargai. Britų dainininkės sūnus Solomon (23 mėn.) jau daug savaičių guli ligoninėje, o jo smegenys jau du kartus buvo operuotos.

Prieš savo antrąjį gimtadienį berniukas jau turėjo iškęsti daug skausmo. Solomon, kaip Bedingfield atskleidė savo fanams per „Instagram“, smegenyse – infekcija.

Prieš kelias dienas Natasha Bedingfield įkėlė kelias nuotraukas su sūnumi. „Aš norėjau paskelbti visas laimingas šios savaitės nuotraukas, kai Solomon bėgioja ligoninės grindimis ir, atrodė, pasveiko. Su žinia, kad mes greitai galėsime vykti namo“, – rašo moteris.

„Bet realybė yra ta, kad vakar vakare sužinojome, jog jam reikia atlikti antrąją operaciją“, – pridūrė mama.

Nepaisant šio nusivylimo, Natasha yra dėkinga, kad technika ir gydytojai ligoninėje galėjo surasti jos sūnaus smegenų infekciją. Taip pat ji paprašė savo gerbėjų pasimelsti už jos sūnų per kelias ateinančias dienas.

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I have shared my journey as a new mother the past two years – mostly the overwhelming joy that Solomon has brought into so many lives, most of all ours . The past week, life hit us hard and our sweet boy had a medical emergency- now a week later , endless Iv’s and tests the amazing doctors and nurses have discovered an area of infection in his head. Never have we felt so helpless or vulnerable . He is on the road to recovery.. we appreciate all the love and continued support. When your kid is unwell, the whole worlds stops for you .. but I know it actually carries on for everyone else so just reaching out to say please pray for us to keep feeling peace and strength beyond our understanding. The situation is still evolving so please pray they find solutions quickly for little Solo.

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This is my most thankful thanksgiving yet . So happy to let you know this morning that solo (he calls himself Soso) is doing so well and more like his usual self. His life was literally saved by the doctors this week and they are doing everything in their power and knowledge to make sure that he is fully healed and that this doesn’t happen again. It has been terrifying for us in the moments of not knowing what’s wrong and how to help ( when he couldn’t speak clearly and or move one of his arms) and horrible to to see my son in pain with countess injections and IVs. But the antibiotics and the surgery really seems be doing the trick. I was supposed to be in Macy’s thanksgiving day parade today but I had to pull out of that and a bunch of stuff due to this emergency. Thank you to everyone work wise that I’ve cancelled on who has been so understanding that nothing is more important than your kids. Thank you to our incredible friends who have stopped heaven and earth to make sure we feel supported . Cherish your family and friends today darlings . Life is such a gift . Stay open . Never be afraid of love – it’s everything

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I wanted to post all the happy pics from this week of solomon running down the halls of the hospital seemingly recovered – with news that we would soon be going home….. But the reality is, we found out last night that he has to have a second operation tomorrow AM. Feeling gutted but also thank God that we live in a time of MRI where we are able to see into our own minds and for doctors who are wise enough to keep asking questions. He has an area of infection that some how found it’s way into the brain. We are so grateful though that there is treatment for what Solo is experiencing and it is straight forward and has worked many times. Please keep him in your prayers and meditation tonight and tomorrow . The body has amazing natural defences so we just need it to do what it does with a lot of extra help from modern medicine . When you have been in the hospital for 3 weeks, time stops. I m realising that this is not a quick in and out visit . So this week will be about making sure we ourselves are healthy and also that we are giving solo good nutrition to help keep up the immunity . I’m actually on a plane to Vegas tonight to do a quick show I was committed to and then come back in time for the the surgery . Love u guys . Life is crazy . This is the real rock and roll ????

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