Milla Jovovich & Osian Lark Elliot Jovovich-Anderson

Milla Jovovich & Osian Lark Elliot Jovovich-Anderson

Los Angeles. Kūdikio žindymas krūtimi daugeliui moterų vis dar yra intymus dalykas. Bet tik ne aktorei Milla Jovovich (44), kuri per istorinę datą (02.02.2020) pagimdė trečią kūdikį.

„Instagram“ Jovovich pasidalino naujagimio nuotrauka ir atskleidė jo vardą bei lytį. Ji rašo: „8:56 val. 02/02/2020 ryto gimė mūsų mergytė Osian Lark Elliot Jovovich-Anderson išvydo pasaulį“.

Aktorė taip pat atskleidė, kad ji, jos vyras Paul W. S. Anderson (54) ir dukros Ever Gabo (12) bei Dashiel Edan (4) negalėjo apsispręsti dėl vardo, todėl mergaitei suteikė ilgą vardą.

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Hey Everyone!!! So without my knowledge @evergaboanderson spilled the beans on the new baby yesterday ???‍♀️? which makes this “old news” but anyway, at 8:56am on 02/02/2020 our baby girl Osian Lark Elliot Jovovich-Anderson was born! Osian is a welsh boy’s name and it’s pronounced O-shin. Now I know the name is long, but the family couldn’t agree on her middle name. Ever and my mom wanted Lark, @dashielanderson and I wanted Elliot. Then my husband Paul chimes in with another vote for Lark, so Smushy and I were out numbered ?! At least she has many to choose from later in life if she wants to drop a few. She’s so beautiful! Her hair is lighter than the other girls was and she’s very strong. Her little hands get in the way and they’re hard to control and she’s already lifting her head up to see what’s going on! She’s our miracle baby and we’re all so grateful to have her and completely obsessed with her!! I will obviously post more pics later, but we are all exhausted because the last few nights have been crazy! I send you all so much love from the cloud I’m flying on!!! Xoxo m❤️☁️✨⚡️⭐️?☄️

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