DeOndra Dixon & Jamie Foxx

DeOndra Dixon & Jamie Foxx

Los Angeles. Jamie Foxx (52) gedi savo sesers DeOndra Dixon (†36). „Mano širdis dužo į milijoną šukių“, – rašo aktorius ir dainininkas „Instagram“.

Jo sesuo DeOndra turėjo Dauno sindromą. Foxx toliau rašo: „Negaliu jums pasakyti, kaip dažnai mes namuose rengėme vakarėlius, kuriuose ji ateidavo į šokių aikštelę ir pavogdavo šou“.

DeOndra labai mėgo šokti. „Žinau, dabar ji šoka danguje“, – tęsia Jamie Foxx.

„Kai pagalvoju apie visus tuos gražius atsiminimus, kuriuos ji paliko“, – prisimena Holivudo žvaigždė.

Visą šeimą sukrėtė jo sesers mirtis. Foxx nepateikė jokios informacijos apie mirties priežastį.

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My heart is shattered into a million pieces… my beautiful loving sister Deondra has transitioned… I say transitioned because she will always be alive… anyone who knew my sis… knew that she was a bright light… I can’t tell you how many times we have had parties at the house where she has got on the dance floor and stolen the show… even gave her boyfriend @chrisbrownofficial a run for his money… well I know she is in heaven now dancing with her wings on…tho my pain is unbelievable I smile when I think of all of the great memories that she left me… my family… and her friends… from dancing in the blame it video… to Dancing on the Grammys… And becoming The ambassador to @globaldownsyndrome… from sliding down my stairs with a grin as wide as the rio grand… to serenading us with all of her music… Deondra you have left A hole in my heart… but I will fill it with all of the memories that you gave me … I love you with every ounce of me… our family is shattered but we will put the pieces back together with your love… and y’all please keep my family in your prayers… ???

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